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Honor Flight Northland recognizes American veterans for your sacrifices and achievements by flying you to Washington, D.C. to see YOUR memorial at no cost. Top priority is given to World War II and terminally ill veterans from all wars.
Honor Flight Northland has expanded to include Korean War and Vietnam War veterans. In order for Honor Flight Network to achieve this goal, guardians fly with the veterans on every flight providing assistance and helping veterans have a safe, memorable and rewarding experience. For what you and your comrades have given to us, please consider this a small token of appreciation from all of us at Honor Flight Network.
Where would this country, or the world for that matter, be without the dedication and services of those
young men and women we call American veterans? Throughout history, our nation has turned to our military to protect others so that we may enjoy the freedoms that we cherish today. These brave men and women were not making decisions about the right or wrong of war; they were following orders and doing what they were told. We owe so much to these veterans whose sacrifices cannot be captured in a few words, who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country, who carry scars that remain for the rest of their lives.
If you know a World War II, Korean War, or Vietnam veteran, please fill out an application and send it in. And remember, every veteran flies free.
For our veterans, please fill out the Veteran Application.
Veterans can apply if they live within the boundaries outlined in black.

Guardians are essential to the success of the Honor Flight Northland program. Without these volunteers we would not be able to carry out the dreams of so many veterans, enabling them to see the memorials built in their honor.
We divide the veterans into groups and assign guardians to each group. Even before the veterans arrive at the airport, the guardian's responsibilities begin with flight preparation and going over their packets of material. Once the veterans start to arrive, guardians will ensure boarding passes and IDs are available, distribute Honor Flight tee shirts, get the veterans through security and to the gate, assist in boarding, etc.
To apply to be a guardian, please fill out the Guardian Application. In addition, a $600 fee is required to cover expenses incurred.
Honor Flight Northland is a volunteer program created to honor our veterans for all they have sacrificed to make this a better world. Without the support of these volunteers, there is no way that we would be able to provide the opportunity to fly our heroes to Washington, D.C. to see the memorials created in their honor.
Examples of volunteer positions include sending off the veterans at the airport in the morning and welcoming them home at the end of the trip with a cheering reception; entering application info into the data system; mailing requested material and purchased merchandise; as well as contacting veterans and guardians to make arrangements based on our projected flight schedules.
If you would like to volunteer your services, please contact us. You can be a part of making our veterans' dreams a reality. You can make a difference. Thank you for your support.
To become an Honor Flight Northland volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Application.